April 15 & 16 Move in, Northeast All Breeds Spring Show, ESE
April 17 Junior Day
Sale: Northeast Spring Spectacular in conjunction with Northeast All Breeds
Spring Show, Managed by Michael Wolf and the Wolf group
April 18 8:00 am start Ayrshire; 1:00 pm Brown Swiss; 4:00 pm Guernsey
April 19 8:00 am start Red & White alternating classes with Holstein followed by
Milking Shorthorn at 4:00 pm
April 20 8:00 am Northeast Spring National Jersey Show with Jersey cows 11:00 am
June 30 Connecticut/RI Holstein Show, 8:30 am Goshen Fairgrounds, Judge Elizabeth Hall, VT; Showmanship at 5:00 pm on June 29
July 10-13 New England Holstein Summer Show, Caledonia Fair Grounds, Judge Tyler
Doiron, Quebec
July 31 Massachusetts Holstein/Jersey Show Franklin County Fairgrounds Greenfield, Judge Anthony Liddle, NY. Youth showmanship will be the night before.
August 26 Pine Tree Holstein Show, Windsor Fair Grounds, Judge Beth Roberts, NJ
Sept 12 Thursday morning, Holstein Heifer Show alternating B&W and R&W, Northeast Fall National Holstein Show, ESE, Judge Callum McKinven, QC
Sept 13 Friday morning, Holstein Cow Show alternation B&W and R&W, Northeast Fall National Holstein Show, ESE, Judge Callum McKinven, QC
Oct 1-4 World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI
Nov 1-20 The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto
April 17 Northeast Spring Spectacular in conjunction with Northeast All Breeds Spring Show, Managed by Michael Wolf and the Wolf group
April 27 Legacy of Liberty Hill Sale, Liberty Hill Farm, Rochester, VT, Manager by The Alliance
June 8 Built to Last at Brigeen, Brigeen Farms, Turner, ME, Managed by Borderview, Crackholm & Brigeen
Oct 19-20 New England Holstein Annual Convention
Hilton Garden Inn Auburn Riverwatch, Auburn, ME